Two brothers one goal!!

The two shall rise as One!!

Two brothers, one vision!


The twin towers were the gateway to the world of prophecy.

You see this ritual gained so much energy that the actual event started us upon a path to were we all know we are heading.

The secret is this: The Jachin pillar (meaning Yah establishes) is King Solomon, and the Boaz pillar (meaning strength) is King David. And these two were Israel’s most illustrious kings and also the ones mostly responsible for planning and/or building the Jewish Temple. Both kings are messianic figures.

[link to]

You see this gateway opened and we have started the return.


Sacred sites are resonances of the eternal dimension.

Heaven is what earth will become.  It is the cusp of the wave.  We are but observers of potential waiting to embody  that reality we can only now dream of.  The sacred nature of things unknown is but a bleed through of what we will become.

We all live slices of our full self.

As time is viewed as a loaf of bread which is sliced we too can look at our self with the same analogy.

We are all in the process of writing the eternal story which is our being.  One day we will all embrace this state of being which is our destination.  In our state we occasionally get glimpses of this.

We are all sculptures of our eternal self.  We have yet to finish as we have yet to find the key of worth.

The Nobody Waits.

Breaking the Apocolyptic Wave

In wave´s resides the movement of all matter and all sound, light, and just about everything.

My theory states here from the Russian DNA study shows how we affect our DNA with our very thoughts, and our thoughts create waves. In the luminous body we reap what we sow since we reside within the torus, therefore our apocalyptic meanderings within our psyche is building the manifesting wave within this time and space due to collective thoughts. what you throw out of your mind is superlooping around and BANG, right back atcha, well it need not be.Thoughts of positive waves rippling in the aether bounce and build and strike the massive apocolyptic wave and it is my fervent hope we break that sucka!

Later………all the mystical master of the past and present thought not of destruction but of beauty, so to should we.

Let it all go, what´s left?

If you strip yourself bare as to have no preconcieved notions of religion or life or politics, drugs or any thought, what does your being seek?

When you try this exercise perhaps you will like me see through a different lens, one which does not rely on past experience for cognition, one which as we were reminded is like that of the newborn babe, that is the kingdom of heaven.

Release it all and therein yourself resides the answers to what you seek, this is a very hard lesson, one which goes against my hardhead and makes me because most knowledge comes back to simplicity.

When you allow for the opportunity to relinquish the feeling of self, then you begin to see with a single eye, one not clouded by the lens of life/past. I do not resonate to darkness as does flame, I fill with light, but that is the nature of free will and what our soul development happens to be at the time, attraction of like waves, whose to say which is correct, perhaps they both are as long as you do not force yours on the hive.

Thanks to all on giving this thought movement here.

T-enoch-tilan=the city of Enoch?

Has it all been a big cover-up?

“Three miles south of the Bimini Road, underwater explorers have found fluted marble columns, which is hard to explain, as marble is not native to the Bahamas. Beneath the waters of the Great Bahama Banks, a large pyramidal building measuring 180 by 140 feet has been located. In the same area, a pilot spotted a wall under 12 fathoms of unusually clear water. Curiously, the wall had an archway going through the middle of it. There was also a recent report of another architectural anomaly a few miles from this wall: a large marble citadel covering five undersea acres with roads leading from it. Unfortunately, diving on the citadel is too hazardous, as Cuban patrol boats regularly visit the waters around it.

Surely if Atlantis did exist in the vicinity of the West Indies, its culture would have rubbed off on the peoples of the eastern coast of Mexico and the North and South Americas? The Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan, which was inhabited by 300,000 people, was situated on an island in a vast lake in the middle of concentric canals. The Aztecs built the capital as a replica of ´Aztlan´ a land which lay in the east, from which the Aztecs claimed their descent. Tenochtitlan´s concentric layout was a copy of the description of Atlantis given by Plato.”

What was Columbus chasing after? The truth shall soon be revealed, what is in the vatican´s vault?

Parallel Lines must Merge

It seems to me that two lines of consciousness are at odds.  One of the political/doomsday line of destructive reasoning stating that mankind is fallen and sinful and not capable, and the second line that seeks to raise up the vibrations of humanity through knowledge and sharing, compassion and holism.

They mirror each other and move independent, they are both conscious and active, it is not negative and positive because both exist in both lines, it is more deceptive than that, it is not the whole vs. the one it is more deceptive than that.To me see through the pattern to a culmination and decisive point, a zero point of a place within the vortex that these lines must come together and out of that point explodes many lines, many worlds and the choices you are making today will become your tomorrow, literally.

It is a line of the whole of humanity running through the political threads, the bloke type threads, and the threads that attack all things vs. the threads of love, threads of peace, threads of vibration/science/noosphere/sacred geometry, the ones where minds are attempting to rise and vibrate on a higher level of existence, seeking to find out the purpose vs. the ones that seek only to delude us into a fascination with destruction and fear.

We are on the cusp of greatness


thy will be done.

Sphere Within A Sphere:

The SWAS (Sphere Within A Sphere) theory is the product of four decades of extensive individual and group discussion specialized and broadcast reading and general research.

SWAS Power Spheres will eliminate all major mains power raw material production and processing facilities and vehicle/motor propulsion units.

The concept is described as SWAS (Sphere Within A Sphere). The following material is a general description of a means to neutralize the effects of gravity and to afford practical space travel for human beings. The fundamental device is a workable machine whether small and experimental (baseball size) or large enough to carry numerous humans inside that is composed of two spheres that rotate in opposite directions to each other…

Magnets may make the brain grow stronger


Could magnets make the mind grow stronger? In mice at least, stimulating the brain with a magnetic coil appears to promote the growth of new neurons in areas associated with learning and memory. If the effect is confirmed in humans, it might open up new ways of treating age-related memory decline and diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has been used experimentally to treat a range of brain disorders, including depression and schizophrenia, and to rehabilitate people after a stroke. TMS uses a magnetic coil to induce electric fields in the brain tissue – activating or deactivating groups of neurons, although the exact mechanism has remained unknown. One theory was that it aided learning and memory by strengthening brain circuits through a process called long-term potentiation (LTP).

To investigate, Fortunato Battaglia at the City University of New York and his colleagues gave mice TMS for five days, then analysed …